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In with the new, out with the old

In with the new, out with the old

Today we launch our new word press web site! It has been exciting and frustrating at times this last few months to learn word press and all the plugins that are part of this process. We are delighted with all the ways we can represent the Northey Street House on this new platform. But there is more work to be done (always, right?), so I hope you will bear with us as we bring you more packages and customizable/ buildable packages to make your stay even better.

Follow Us

We will be working on linking more social media to the Follow Us side bar at the bottom. We want you to see Salem from an innsider’s view. Where’s the best place to get a lobster roll. What are the new breweries/ distilleries, restaurant, or attractions that will be opening up and when. Please check back here as we share recipes, tell you what is happening here, and introduce you to the people of Salem. We’re looking forward to Q&As or interviews with restauranteurs, tour guides, city officials, and many more movers and shakers of Salem. Thank you in advance!


Questions? 978-397-1582 |